Trading Group Therapy, White Belt - Fingers Saved! 18th Nov, 12:30pm EST.

This Thursday (18th November, 2021), we are holding an impromptu Group Therapy.  For a change, the topics will be somewhat of a mystery - well, they will to me. And if that's all you need to sign up so you can listen to my accent - click here

For the more demanding amongst you...

I often get emails like the one below and often it's hard to type a response as it would take so much time. Hence we hop on calls. In this case, we'll have a live call with the trader. I have not spoken to them yet, and this is someone who likely needs broader advice - much different from recent sessions with Marcos or CB who just needed help getting over the line. This looks more like someone that needs pointers earlier on in their journey - at least on the Order Flow side. Here's the email:

"I do not know if it is OK to write to you directly, if not let me know.

I have been using JigSaw for a month now on Futures Funding accounts and all in all it seems like I am doing something correctly but then again.
I was inspired by the 1 tick drill and the "Road to Profit" video so I have mainly tried to get 1-2 ticks form the UB or 1 point in the ES per entry. Also I did mostly only 1 - 2 trades a day. For now I am having an almost 90% win rate with 1 contract. I am now starting to take more trades and am also contemplating to use 2 instead of 1 contract for the entries.
But in several of your videos I have seen that you are a proponent of large(r) targets but then obviously lower win rates. Also in the 7 most effective Trading Setups video "my way" is called a bad setup or way of trading.
So would you be able to provide me with some help or pointers to how I can transition from where I am to where I "should" be ?"

So a more "back to basics" session - techniques, expectations and figuring out what on earth to do next.

Click here to register. It's free and YES it'll be recorded.


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