Innovative Jigsaw User - Constant Trade - Video Library

In our last major survey, 23% of Jigsaw users were trading full-time. Many of these now have their own YouTube channels as they pay it forwards to other users on the same journey they tool themselves. 

Some of these are 'power users' of Jigsaw and put together amazing videos on how to get the most from the tools. One great example is Constant Trade and his videos "Full Tutorial Jigsaw daytradr" and "Every Tip You Need on Charts With Jigsaw".

That's saved us a job!

Just kidding - but we all have different perspectives, I've been around software for a while and it's never failed to amaze me when I've walked into an office/factory and saw them using tools our teams had developed in ways we hadn't envisaged. It's always good NOT to put too many limitations on code to allow for this "unexpected usage" and that's what we see with Constant Trade. He's an innovative user. 

These videos are excellent, so, we thought we'd share his tutorials with you.

Constant Trade started using a DOM in a trading room in Paris back in 2019, but the platform used at the time did not meet his requirements. While reworking his sessions using market replay, he discovered Jigsaw, and it has been his trading platform ever since.

And by the way, don't forget to visit Jigsaw Trading's YouTube channel, and look out for changes there as we add more playlists and more videos. They might not all be as good as Constant Trade's videos though!

And to Constant Trade - a big thank you for putting this out there. 






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