Jigsaw Trading Blog

The Best Part

Written by Peter Davies | Jun 7, 2013 3:37:29 PM

One of the most rewarding things about being involved with Jigsaw is when a customer takes the time to get in touch and share their results.

I can't really put into words how I feel when I get these emails. I guess it brings out my "inner Boy Scout". It's really nice to know our efforts are paying off for the customers and not just for us.

First from Ben P

Hi Peter - I have been using your DOM in Sim now for about 8 or 9 weeks. 'Dramatic improvement in my trading' would be an understatement. Having successfully traded stocks for 3 years I was finding the transition to futures day trading difficult to say the least - your web presentations at TST finally bought all the pieces together! I am very wary of purchasing anything trading related over the internet - it's mostly worthless and I could code most of what I saw anyway.  Trading ZB on 'Sim' for the month of May with a 50k account and max 5 contracts I was 87.23% profitable! 41 winners 6 losers. More impressive and a testament to the veracity of order flow trading is my MFE & MAE $301.39 and $68.06 respectively WOW ! My net for the month was just short of 7k. I have posted the trade report at http://stocktraderbmp.blogspot.com/2013/06/sim-50k-tst-combine-for-may.html


First from Ray


You know I still am pretty much clueless about using your product. I draw my trend lines and wait for price action and watch the tape in the corner of my eye. The big difference is breakouts- I never used to take them and now because of what I see on the tape I take them and well the results speak for themselves. You can pretty much determine when I started using your product by looking at the equity curve :)


Thanks guys, I really am happy than things are coming together for you and thank you for taking time out to let us know.