Jigsaw Trading Blog

Order Flow First Steps - Follow Up Session Recording

Written by Peter Davies | Oct 26, 2020 12:48:50 PM



This webinar was another interactive session. It was following up on the meeting we had on Monday which was basically telling people the first steps they should take with order flow, to get them ready for the FootPrint lessons this week. We did invite our whole list so it was well attended and we got a good range of questions.

We started off with an overview of liquidity consumption for those that don't get it yet. Then went over some of the pitfalls people make with Order Flow when they are introduced to it. We took a random trade to examing some of the things you would consider from a momentum perspective when in a trade.

Then the Q&A Started, which was wide-ranging as we had people with a variety of skill levels attending.

Enjoy the video.