Jigsaw Trading Blog

Live Trader Interview

Written by Peter Davies | Jul 4, 2013 4:50:38 AM

A little over a month ago,  we posted a video on Order Flow Analysis on Thinner Markets.

At the time, the trader that made the video was going through the Topstep trader combine process. He passed the combine and the "Live Trader Prep" and he has just become Topsteps latest funded trader.

As is the tradition at Topstep, they gave him an interview on their Squawk Radio Show to welcome him and to get him to share his thoughts on trading.

It's a fantastic interview and it should provide motivation and help to those of you out there who are still struggling to make it as a trader.

Well done "Raa" on getting the live account and thanks for the help you have given to Jigsaw customers both on and off this Blog!
