Jigsaw Trading Blog

Jigsaw Trading V5.2 - Order Flow Software Powers Ahead

Written by Peter Davies | Nov 11, 2013 12:41:12 PM
We are happy to announce that today we have released V5.2 of the Jigsaw Tools. In this release we have an exciting new set of features we are calling the "Power Meters". Rather than giving you a long written description of what they do, here's a short video showing the features:

There's no reason to take our word for it on how useful these meters are. For a while, a number of loyal customers have been helping us test pre-release versions of the product. That helps us to refine the tools based on their feedback. Some of our customers have even set up their own YouTube channels showing their trades as well as what they are seeing on the strength meters to refine/reject entries. Some excellent trade videos are on the youtube channel of "Welly192" - http://www.youtube.com/user/welly192Of course Welly is using the tools to refine entries, if you want to understand more about the context - the locations he looks at to enter trades, his videos are a part of his contribution to this thread on the Futures.io Forum In addition to the strength meters, we have made a number of enhancements/fixes:

- Drag and drop orders in order column
- Clear up/down total trades @ bid/offer (with shortcut keys)
- Reset D&S strength meter when resetting current trades
- Trade lock locks out all trade buttons
- Improved highlighting S2P, L2P, OCO buttons when enabled
- New Bid/offer histogram scaling settings
- New option to clear all current trades on all windows when a new position is filled
- New option to center all D&S when a new position is filled
- Option to hide account number on the D&S main screen
- Changed to a single installer for all platforms
- FIX: Reduced additional line spacing on Recon Tape
- FIX: Exception being thrown on OEC version on disconnect
- FIX: Always on top D&S can hide settings window
- FIX: Treasuries trades not appearing on Depth & Sales in some circumstances
- FIX: Flat button not working after reversing a position
- FIX: Quantity buttons on Trade Window not retaining edited values

As usual, the software can be downloaded from: https://members.jigsawtrading.com/

For those of you that aren't customers yet, feel free to contact us for a trial. If you want to read some independent reviews on Jigsaw Software go to the Investimonials Page for the product.

Finally, I'd like to give a big thank you to the people in the Skype group that helped us to get the features right.

Peter Davies & Ian Leigh

Jigsaw Trading