Jigsaw Trading Blog

Jigsaw daytradr now supported at TopstepTrader - 30% off to celebrate!

Written by Peter Davies | Oct 20, 2017 3:34:48 PM

We are happy to announce that Jigsaw daytradr is now a supported platform at TopstepTrader.

We've had a close relationship with TopstepTrader for a number of years and I have a regular spot on their Squawk Radio show where we discuss the mornings action on the S&P500 and Crude Oil Futures around 9:30am Chicago time every Tuesday and Thursday.

What I like about TopstepTrader is the fact you get the feel of having some 'skin in the game' of trading without risking your hard earned cash. For the price of a handful of ticks each month - you have real goals without too much risk - and you get the chance of earning a funded trading account with them!

So I'm really happy that we've moved our relationship on and that Jigsaw daytradr is now fully supported by TopstepTrader. Not only that - Topstep are also offering Jigsaw customers 30% off their first trading combine with them.

Just click here for the details.