Jigsaw Trading Blog

January Group Therapy - Confidence & Confirmation in Trading - Jan 29, 12PM Central

Written by Peter Davies | Jan 23, 2019 7:11:58 AM

Many traders struggle with indecision immediately after entering a trade. Getting shaken out of good trades and staying in bad trades. They know their setup well but once they are in, there's few rules for staying in. We'll be discussing this in our upcoming Group Therapy Session on 29th Jan. Click here to Register.

As a reminder, these are interactive sessions where Jigsaw presents on a topic and then we open up for discussion.

In this Group Therapy session, we'll discuss the concept of 'confirmation' - or the point at which you are now confident a move is 'true' or that your position will be profitable. If you enter a position and feel happy/sad with each tick/up down in the early part of the trade - you are going to be very easily shaken out.

So how do you get the confidence to assess the difference between "nothings happened yet", "This is the type of move I expected" and "This is a loser"?

On the other hand, if you know exactly what you want to see to confirm the trade, then the wiggle wont' have you second guessing yourself.

- The difference in probabilities between being "right" and being "right now".
- Why it's easier to tell if a position you are in will work out Vs whether you should get into a position.
- The 'base' from which your position is building - positions/news/technicals.
- Absorption vs Fades as an entry signal - and differing post entry confirmation.
- The ability to rate trade entries for the same setup - is it possible that sometimes "you just know"?
- Time-outs on the trade.

The idea is for you to have more than a "stop loss" that's telling you a trade isn't working - and also to have more than "it's moving my way" to tell you it IS working. We also want to extend the discussion to gaining a better understanding for how intuition as to how good any one instance of a setup is can help improve your performance.

Click here to Register for the event.