We are happy to announce that FootPrint charts are now ready in Beta 7 of daytradr charting. We did plan a presentation on it today but we've spent the day ironing out the remaining issues. So the webinar will be on 29th at 12pm EST. It would be tomorrow but for the many of you that are friends with me on Facebook - you'll note that it is my daughters birthday. My wife pointed this out tonight and I mentioned the webinar I was going to do tomorrow. She didn't say a word, but the look she gave me told me that a change of date would be a wonderful idea.
We will give you the link to the software during the webinar, we will then upload the recording and then also send out the link to our mailing list with the recording after the event. This might seem a bit strange, so here's why we are doing this.This way, you'll be well set to use it and we won't be inundated with support requests asking all the questions we'll answer during the session.
Also - for those that purchased the FootPrint course - you should have already recieved a message about the Axia part and by the time we meet next, you'll have had a few days to digest the initial videos.