Jigsaw Trading Blog

Become a better trader - in 2 weeks.

Written by admin | May 10, 2018 2:11:08 AM

We are please to announce a webinar on futures.io on Thursday, May 17th at 4:30pm EST. Click here to register for the webinar.

Over the past 10 years, the pendulum in the trading world has swung from overly optimistic to quite pessimistic. Back in the mid 2000's, the trading world was full of ludicrous and lofty claims of riches for little or no reward.

Many vendor bankruptcies (and arrests) later & the world is a lot more savvy. It's common to hear that a retail trader won't make it for 2 years - but really - who actually knows?

What is the starting point? Your first legitimate 'trading system'? The first time you find out that 2 lines crossing over won't bring you riches? It's hard to define, which makes any estimates of 'time to profit' not much more than a finger in the air.

Giving a longer time frame to get to profit is the new vogue in trading. The longer a time period you give, the more legitimate you seem. But is this any more real than those claims of riches in 5 minutes?

The truth is that nobody has statistics on this because the 'starting point' isn't clearly defined. Spend 18 months on trading moonphases and do you now have 6 months left? Not only that - but the 'ending point' is just as fuzzy too. What exactly is 'making it'?

In this webinar, we are going to swing the pendulum back the other way a little, to an action plan you can implement that will see you with a very different out look on trading within 2 weeks. In some cases it'll lead to an absolute edge in the market, in others you'll fall short but be much closer to it.

We'll consider the following:

- Who this is for - your experience, outlook, goals and commitment level
- The nature of an edge in the market
- The pre-requisites to your 2 week action plan - the things you have to bring to the table
- When, what, where, why
- Your 2 week plan in detail
- The things that will throw you off track
- What if the 2 weeks draws a blank?
- Analyzing the results and formulating a go-forward plan

We'll also discuss the results of people that have been through the process. What did they discover about themselves and the market?

Click here to register for the webinar.